Fighter Fly Land (Toshiaki Muramoto)

Title – Fighter Fly Land
System – Nintendo Family BASIC
Author – Toshiaki Muramoto
Publication – Micom Basic (マイコンBASIC) September 1985
Page Scans – 1
Preserved By – ximwix
Recommended Emulator – VirtualNES

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notes.txt – The file you’re reading now (wow!)
Fighter Fly Land (Toshiaki Muramoto).nes – Game converted to standalone NES rom
ffl-prg.txt – The typed-up program listing
ffl-prg.wav – WAVE file of the program listing, for playback to hardware
ffl-bg.wav – WAVE file of the background, for playback to hardware
ffl-prg.vtp – Virtuanes tape file of the program listing
ffl-bg.vtp – Virtuanes tape file of the background
ffl-prg.fbt – Mesen tape file of the program listing
ffl-bg.fbt – Mesen tape file of the background
scans.jpg – A scan of the informational page and listing from Micom Basic
screenshot1.png – In-game screenshot
screenshot2.png – In-game screenshot


There is no formal background listing for this game, just a screenshot. I
am pretty sure I have the layout correct, but I have no way of knowing if the
color is the intended one.

Game Instructions:

Take control of Pen Pen and try to fight off all of the Fighter Flies. Use
the d-pad to move Pen Pen around and dodge the flies. You can use the A
button to shoot a spark in the direction that you are facing. If the spark
hits a fly, then it will turn gray and is now vulnerable. Walk into the fly
to eliminate it.

If Pen Pen takes damage then he turns red. If he is hit again he turns gray.
If he is hit one more time, then that is Game Over. Health can be recovered
by defeating flies.

When you defeat all of the flies, then you are treated to a small cutscene
and then the next level begins. The number of flies increases as the levels
go on (up to six flies).


If you load the game up in Family Basic, you can add or edit the following
lines in the code to cheat:

– Edit the beginning of line 60 so that instead of doing “P=P+1”, it simply
does “P=P”. This will make it so that Pen Pen never takes damage.

If you type “RUN 170” then it will play the between-level animation.
If you type “RUN 170” then it will play the between-level animation.

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