HELMET + BATSMAN GAME (Takahiro Ishiyama)

System – Sinclair ZX81 (with 16K expansion)
Author – 石山 高広 (Takahiro Ishiyama)
Publication – Micom BASIC (マイコンBASIC) August 1982
Page Scans – 1 2 3 4
Preserved By – TWE
Recommended Emulator – EightyOne

Download ROM

Loading the Game –

– helmet.tzx: Cassette tape image containing HELMET program.
– batsmang.tzx: Cassette tape image containing BATSMAN GAME program.

NOTE: EightyOne emulates a wide range of Sinclair computers, so it must be configured to emulate a ZX-81 with a 16K RAM expansion.
– Options -> Hardware -> ZX81 (on the Sinclair tab), select at least 16k in ‘RAM Pack’.

Load the tape file, type J, Shift-P, Shift-P (the resulting output should be ‘LOAD “”‘), press Enter then play the tape;
NOTE: EightyOne does these steps automatically upon loading the tape image.

After the program finishes loading, press R (for ‘RUN’) then press Enter to start the game.



Game Instructions –

Press 5 to move left and 8 to move right;
Reach the house on the right while dodging the falling obstacles; you can only enter the house if its door is open.

Press 1, 2 or 3 to swing high, middle or low, respectively;
Hit as many balls as possible; hitting it with the center of your bat scores you a home run.


Article Translation –

Takahiro Ishiyama

This is a ZX version of the HELMET Game & Watch.
Upon RUNning, you’re brought to a simple screen explaining the controls. In this game, you must dodge the invaders falling from the trees and take refuge in the house; even if you get hit by an invader, you have 3 tries at your disposal.
Concerning controls, 8 makes you advance forward; you get 1 point added to your score for each step forward you take. When you finally reach the confort of your house, you’re given 100 points. The house’s door will randomly open and close. Should you reach the front of the house while the door is closed, you can press 5 to go back. The invaders all move at the same time, but their speed changes at random.

{Picture 1} Key controls
{Picture 2} Game start! Get going towards the house on the right
{Picture 3} Ouch!!
{Picture 4} Go forward cautiously
>Picture 5> W-well done!!

This game is a batting game where the computer plays the part of the pitcher; you must hit the balls it throws and compete for points.
Upon RUNning, the game explains its controls by showing a demo where the BATSMAN does 3 practice swings. The controls are 1 for high swings, 2 for medium swings, and 3 for low swings. The pitcher’s balls aren’t ever fastballs, but the way it is thrown does change. These balls are always stirkes. If you fail your swing 3 times, you get an out.
If the ball gets hit right at the middle of the bat, you score a home run. If it hits another part of the bat, you get a hit. Swinging at any other point is considered as an out. When striking a home run, the screen will flash. After 3 outs, the game is set.
If the ball is so slow you keep getting home runs all the time, feel free to set its speed to move 2 tiles at a time. Also, chaging its position to be a bit closer may also make the game more fun.

{Picture 1} Swing by picking lane 1, 2 or 3
{Picture 2} The pitcher is ready to throw his first ball
{Picture 3} OUT!!
{Picture 4} Home run, right on

Editor: Ishiyama! The Dr. wants to come to congratulate you! He will now say a few words, so please listen.
Dr. D: Oho! I see your program is a free match one. I didn’t know the ZX-81 was capable of such a game. I’m amazed. I don’t know whether I should bestow upon you my PhD certificate.
Editor, Kage: Wh-what!! The Dr. has a PhD?
Dr. D: Wasn’t it obvious? I’m a Doctor. Though, I don’t remember who gave me that title!
Editor: That’s unsettling. That keeps happening whenever you’re named Dr. or something. This all has to be the fault of that demon of a chief!
Kage: Editor, if the Dr. said he wanted to give you his PhD, what’dya do?
Editor: Hmm, that’s difficult. I never thought about it.
Dr. D: Ohoho, I’ll say it! ISHIYAMA! THE DR.’S PHD IS ALL YOURS! (Chief: That’s enough, this segment stops here. Today’s another slow day, I wonder whether I should close up shop and go home…)
Reader: Demon!!

Editor’s Monologue
Cardboard boxes have been piling up into mountains all around my desk. All the program submissions are tightly packed. I shudder with fear every day wondering when this mountain will crumble down.
The ZX-81 programs got added to the pile. Please keep sending them in. I’ll keep putting up the good ones. There’s one thing that’s bothers me, however: Sometimes after saving to cassette, the audio ends up being too low.
From day to night, I close myself in the computer room, trying my hardest to check all the programs, only for them not be able to load, and it feels terrible. Having the tape recorder model used for each one would help for sure, but…
For this reason, the ZX-81 programs have been getting better. I look forward to every day, looking forward to seeing what new programs arrive. This isn’t just restricted to games. I’m eagerly anticipating for the next program that manages to wow the Dr. to reach my hands.

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