JUMP! (Takeshi Yoshida)

Title – JUMP!
System – MSX
Author – 吉田 健 (Takeshi Yoshida)
Publication – Micom BASIC (マイコンBASIC) November 1984
Page Scans – 1 2
Preserved By – TWE
Recommended Emulator – openMSX

Download ROM

Loading the Game –

Two versions of the game are included:
– jump.wav, a cassette-tape recording of the original game;
– jump.dsk, a floppy disk image of the game’s translation with bug fixes.
(On the original, the enemy moves up whenever it decides to move down, causing an error when it travels up out of bounds.)

For jump.wav:
– After booting the machine, insert the tape image;
– Type ‘CLOAD’ and press Enter;
– After the game loads, type ‘RUN’ and press Enter to star the game.
For jump.dsk:
– Insert the disk image in the first slot, then boot the machine;
– The game should load and start automatically.


Game Instructions –

Left and right move the character, Space jumps; moving sideways mid-jump always causes you to fall.
Collect all the eggs while avoiding the bricks and the eventual enemy (cogura) that appears.


Article Translation –

Takeshi Yoshida


You’re a special agent for the evil secret society Rubide. One day, you receive a secret mission to infiltrate a zoo’s warehouse and steal cogura eggs, a rare species.
With this, you grab your favourite pair of Jumping Shoes and get to work…

How to Play

Use the cursor keys to move left and right and Space to jump. Each stage contains 10 eggs, which must all be collected to complete it. Furthermore, after collecting one of the eggs, a wild cogura will appear and wreak havoc inside the warehouse.
You die whenever you crash into the bricks or get caught by the cogura. After you accumulate 2000 points, the number of bricks will start to increase, making it harder to clear stages.


The DATA contains character data, so change it to your liking.


I bought my computer last January, and this is my first submission. As a result, the line numbering’s a mess and there’s a lot of unnecessary code.


Editor: Hm, this is well put together, but isn’t it time to put these kinds of pattern games aside?
Dr. D: Hrm, I am indeed quite surprised at the sheer variety of pattern-based games I get to see on every issue.
Kage: Hey now, a BeMaga program can pull of all the cool techniques in the world, but it the concept ain’t great, then what’s the point?
Editor: You’re absolutely correct!

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