Diving NitaNita (Norio Yaguchi)

Title – Diving NitaNita
System – Nintendo Family BASIC
Author – Norio Yaguchi
Publication – Micom Basic (マイコンBASIC) October 1985
Page Scans – 1
Preserved By – ximwix
Recommended Emulator – VirtualNES

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notes.txt – The file you’re reading now (wow!)
Diving NitaNita (Norio Yaguchi).nes – Game converted to standalone NES rom
diving-prg.txt – The typed-up program listing
diving-prg.wav – WAVE file of the program listing, for playback to hardware
diving-prg.vtp – Virtuanes tape file of the program listing
diving-prg.fbt – Mesen tape file of the program listing
scan.jpg – A scan of the program listing from Micom Basic
screenshot1.png – Gameplay screenshot
screenshot2.png – Gameplay screenshot


No background file for this one, as it draws what it needs using code.

Game Instructions:

You are a smiling diver, trying to get to the bottom of the ocean to gather up
some pearls. Look out for turtles and crabs, and don’t run out of oxygen!

Hold down the “A” button to dive. If you let go of “A”, then you will begin
to rise. As you are diving, you can move left and right using the d-pad. If
you reach the bottom of the ocean floor, you will float up a bit on your own
before you can freely ascend, so make sure everything is clear before you
grab that pearl!

While you are underwater, your oxygen level will deplete. If it reaches zero,
then you will lose a life. You can regain oxygen by floating to the top of
the screen and waiting. Watch out for birds!

If you grab all of the pearls, then you move on to the next level, which will
be a little bit faster. The game ends when you lose all of your lives, at
which time you will be shwon your score.


On line 240, you can change “OX=OX-1” to just “OX=OX” to get infinite oxygen.

On line 300, you can change “LE=LE-1” to “LE=LE” to stop the game from
taking away a life when you get hit (so, infinite lives). Note that the game
will crash after “losing” 10 or so lives because of the way it is coded. Can
you figure out why?

If you remove line 200 completely and remove “NEXT:” from the beginning of
line 210, then enemies will no longer hurt you.




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