System – MSX
Author – HX-10D
Publication – Micom BASIC (マイコンBASIC) July 1985
Page Scans – 1 2
Preserved By – TWE
Recommended Emulator – openMSX

Download ROM

Loading the Game –

hanting.wav: Tape recording of HANTING program
hanting.dsk: Self-booting disk image of HANTING program
hanting_en.wav: Tape recording of translated HANTING program
hanting_en.dsk: Self-booting disk image of translated HANTING program

For hanting.wav:
– After booting the machine, insert the tape image;
– Type ‘CLOAD’ and press Enter;
– After the game loads, type ‘RUN’ and press Enter to start the game.
For hanting.dsk:
– Insert the disk image in the first slot, then boot the machine;
– The game should load and start automatically.


Game Instructions –

Use Left and Right to move and Space to shoot;
Shoot the birds as accurately as possible.


Article Translation –


You’re at Lake △ of ○✕ Mountain, the Mecca of hunting. You came here to hunt, equipped with a single shot gun. However, this is your first time doing any hunting.
Because of this, you must practice in order to hone your skills.

Move left and right with the [←] and [→] cursor keys, and fire a bullet with the Space key. Can you reach an accuracy rate of over 60%?

Program Structure
It’s BASIC + machine code. I’ve divided all the sections with REMs, so it should be generally understandable. Make sure not to do any mistakes regarding the machine code data.
For the bird’s movement, V-RAM is searched, and if a bird is found then the other bird pose is put in the next position to the left, and the previous one is erased; this entire process is put together with machine code. This process is called at 1/10 second intervals.
Because of this, the birds can keep flapping their wings even as the bullet’s movement is processed.

Following Dr. D’s advice, I tried to shrink the data size for the Game Over and such things. I apologise for any English mispronunciations in the program. I’m also sorry for using intervals this stupidly.

{Picture 1} In this game you have to shoot down the birds
{Picture 2} You compete for both score and accuracy rate
{Picture 3} Nice shot!! Observe the bird’s movements!!
{Picture 4} Sounds straightforward, but didn’t quite manage to get the hit

Dr. D: Ugh, this game’s monotonous. That being said, the competition for accuracy rates is the one fun thing about it…
Kage: There are 2 improvements here. First of all, have the speed of the birds change. Also, add obstacles like ponds to make the hunter’s movement more difficult. Just these two points will make the game way more fun.
Dr. D: Being the ideas man, as usual.

★Need-Not Series: Substitute your alarm clock with a time bomb. In the mornings, you need not stop the alarm. (Yokohama, Kanagawa・Makoto Atsushi Komiya, 11 y.o.)……【Editor: That’s extreme(kageki). Kage:That’s catching a cold(kazehiki). Editor: That’s scary(kowai)… Kage: Choir’s great(kōwa ga ii)… Editor: *Thud!!*】

★When it’s time to eat a croaked Kage, let out a jeer before you eat. ♪Croak, Kage♪ Bon appetit! (Shinjuku, Tōkyō・Naoki Takahashi, 12 y.o.)……【Editor: When it’s time to throw away your croaked Kage, make sure to do it on coarse trash day. 】

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