Space War (Dr. D)

Title – Space War
System – Nintendo Family BASIC
Author – Dr. D
Publication – Micom Basic (繝槭う繧ウ繝ウBASIC) July 1985
Page Scans – 1 2
Preserved By – ximwix
Recommended Emulator – VirtualNES

Download ROM



notes.txt – The file you’re reading now (wow!)
Docking (Dr. D).nes – Game converted to standalone NES rom
space-war-prg.txt – The typed-up program listing
space-war-prg.wav – WAVE file of the program listing, for playback to hardware
space-war-bg.wav – WAVE file of the BG data, for playback to hardware
space-war-prg.vtp – Virtuanes tape file of the program listing
space-war-bg.vtp – Virtuanes tape file of the BG data
space-war-prg.fbt – Mesen tape file of the program listing
space-war-bg.fbt – Mesen tape file of the BG data
scan1.jpg – A scan of the program listing from Micom Basic
scan2.jpg – A scan of the program listing from Micom Basic
screenshot1.png – Gameplay screenshot
screenshot2.png – Gameplay screenshot



There was no listing for the background, but there were a few screenshots of
the background getting created, as the article also appears to serve as an
introduction to the BG Tool. I am pretty confident on the background graphics,
aside from the star-field pattern. I also do not know what the intended color
for the tiles are, so have left them with palette 0, as all of the screenhots
of the BG Tool in the article show “MODE 0”.


For the NES rom version, I changed the “END” in line 700 to be a “GOTO 0”
statement, otherwise it lets you play once and then leaves you at a BASIC

Game Instructions:

Float around try to shoot the ship that flies in from above. Be careful to
dodge its bullets. The d-pad moves you around and the ‘A’ button shoots. Be
careful with the controls, as diagonals will do nothing. The game goes on
until you run out of lives.


Lives are stored in variable ‘R’. You can change that to a higher value in
live 10 to start with more lives.

Change line 600 to “600 GOTO 100” to become invincible.
Change line 600 to “600 GOTO 100” to become invincible.

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