Jumpman (Noboru Izakaya)

Title – Jumpman
System – Nintendo Family BASIC
Author – Noboru Izakaya
Publication – Micom Basic (繝槭う繧ウ繝ウBASIC) June 1985
Page Scans – 1
Preserved By – ximwix
Recommended Emulator – VirtualNES

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notes.txt – The file you’re reading now (wow!)
Jumpman (Noboru Izakaya).nes – Game converted to standalone NES rom
jumpman-prg.txt – The typed-up program listing
jumpman-prg.wav – WAVE file of the program listing, for playback to hardware
jumpman-prg.vtp – Virtuanes tape file of the program listing
jumpman-prg.fbt – Mesen tape file of the program listing
scan.jpg – A scan of the program listing from Micom Basic
screenshot1.png – Gameplay screenshot
screenshot2.png – Gameplay screenshot


No background file for this one, as it draws its own starfield using code.

Game Instructions:

Press start to begin the game.

A fly will start making its way towards the ground. Use left and right on
the d-pad to move and the ‘A’ button to jump. Collide with the fly to kill
it and earn points.

If a fly reaches the ground, then it’s game over.

When you reach 3000 points, then there will be two flies at a time. For each
additional 1000 points, another fly will be added.

Reach 10,000 points to finish the game see the ending.


You can jump straight to the ending by typing:
RUN 270

Add the following line to the code to skip levels. Just set F to the level
you want to be on (1 through 7):
5 F=1:SC=1000*(F-1)+3000



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