Docking (Goro Takahashi)

Title – Docking
System – Nintendo Family BASIC
Author – Goro Takahashi
Publication – Micom Basic (繝槭う繧ウ繝ウBASIC) July 1985
Page Scans – 1
Preserved By – ximwix
Recommended Emulator – VirtualNES

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notes.txt – The file you’re reading now (wow!)
Docking (Goro Takahashi).nes – Game converted to standalone NES rom
docking-prg.txt – The typed-up program listing
docking-prg.wav – WAVE file of the program listing, for playback to hardware
docking-bg.wav – WAVE file of the BG data, for playback to hardware
docking-prg.vtp – Virtuanes tape file of the program listing
docking-bg.vtp – Virtuanes tape file of the BG data
docking-prg.fbt – Mesen tape file of the program listing
docking-bg.fbt – Mesen tape file of the BG data
scan.jpg – A scan of the program listing from Micom Basic
screenshot1.png – Gameplay screenshot
screenshot2.png – Gameplay screenshot



There was no type-in for the background, just a small screenshot of the
background editor and one in-game screenshot (both in black and white). I’ve
done the best I can, but can’t make any promises that it’s 100% accurate.
Thankfully, the background has no bearing on the gameplay.

Game Instructions:

The obective is to navigate your ship at the top of the screen to the docking
station moving along the bottom of the screen. Gravity will pull you downward
automatically, so all you can do to control your ship is the use the d-pad to
move left and right. There is a bit of momentum involved, so watch out for
that. On your way down, you will need to avoid the blasts eminating from the
middle of the screen. If you get hit, go past the sides of the screen, or
miss the docking ship, then you lose a life. The game continues until you
run out of lives.


Lives are stored in the variable “N”. If you initialize it to a higher value
on line 30, then you will have more lives.

Remove the “N=N-1:” from line 150 to never lose any lives.



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