Brain Breaker

Title – Brain Breaker (ブレインブレイカー)
System –
Sharp X1
Catalog ID – E-G159
Created by –
Written by – Hiroshi Ishikawa
Recommended Emulator – Takeda’s Common Source Project (Click here for Emulator with BIOS Files.)

Download ROM

600 DPI –

Download Manual (600DPI)
1200DPI RAW Scans & Dump [External Link]

Loading the Game –

Open Emulator (Recommended emulator above works, cannot guarantee others do)
Load CMT included in ZIP file.
Game should  load then begin after a short while. If it’s prompting you to choose Disk or Cassette Press C to tell it Cassette then the game should begin loading.


About Dustin Hubbard

Founder and owner of Gaming Alexandria. Obsessed with high quality scans of games for all systems as well as preserving games before they are lost.

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