War Game (Junichi Kato)

Title – War Game
System –
Nintendo Family BASIC
Author –
Junichi Kato (加藤 淳一)
Micom Basic (マイコンBASIC) May – 1985
Page Scans1
Preserved byozidual
Recommended EmulatorVirtualNES

Download ROM

Loading the Game –

Either load the included NES ROMs
1. Run Family Basic v3
2. Type LOAD and hit enter
3. Choose Edit – ExtDevice – Tape – Play(P)
4. Choose War Game (Junichi Kato).wav and let it load
5. Once loaded, type: LOADS and hit enter
6. Choose War Game BG (Junichi Kato).wav and let it load
7. Once loaded, type: RUN and hit enter to start the game

Game Instructions –

A fires. D-Pad moves in all directions.
You control a space ship fighting 3 other space ships. They attempt to run into you while you shoot them. Take one out and another comes along so there are always 3 other space ships.


About Dustin Hubbard

Founder and owner of Gaming Alexandria. Obsessed with high quality scans of games for all systems as well as preserving games before they are lost.

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