Crab Carry the Flag (Kazuyuki Nishiyama)

Title – Crab Carry the Flag
System –
Nintendo Family BASIC
Author – 
Kazuyuki Nishiyama (西山 和之)
Micom Basic (マイコンBASIC) December – 1984
Page Scans1
Preserved byozidual
Recommended EmulatorVirtualNES

Download ROM

Loading the Game –

Either load the included NES ROMs

  1. Run Family Basic v3
  2. Type LOAD and hit enter
  3. Choose Edit – ExtDevice – Tape – Play(P)
  4. Choose Crab Carry the Flag (Kazuyuki Nishiyama).wav and let it load
  5. Once loaded, type: LOADS and hit enter
  6. Choose Crab Carry the Flag BG (Kazuyuki Nishiyama).wav and let it load
  7. Once loaded, type: RUN and hit enter to start the game

Game Instructions –

Use the D-Pad to move.

It’s basically frogger.  You cross to the top of the screen to get a flag.  Go down and back up to get another flag.  5 flags finishes a scene.  Each scene has different enemies trying to stop you with different movement patterns/speeds.  Three scenes total, and if you beat the 3rd scene it takes you back to the first.


About Dustin Hubbard

Founder and owner of Gaming Alexandria. Obsessed with high quality scans of games for all systems as well as preserving games before they are lost.

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